No Flap Ear Wrap, Pinpoint Mesh, Size Small

No Flap Ear Wrap, Pinpoint Mesh, Size Small
Supplied By: KVP (NFP02S)
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Qty 1
The No Flap Ear Wrap is designed with a sewn in skeletal system that encompasses a strong plastic spine, stopping the wrap from sliding back, keeping the ears in place. The cinch strap works together with the spines and skeletal framework, preventing the wrap from being pushed forward and pawed off, both important features that protect the ears during recovery.
Our Pinpoint mesh is strong and breathable, making it one of our most popular fabrics for the dogs who are experiencing a longer healing plan such as a hematoma or an active ear/yeast infection with a hematoma.
- Aural Hematomas
- Nicks and tears to earflap
- Post surgical healing
- Chronic itching and scratching
- Cheat Grass / Foxtail prevention
- Insect bites and stings
- Crate ear protection
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${{CompareAndSaveSource.SourcePrice.toFixed(2)}} ({{CompareAndSaveSource.UnitOfMeasure}})
${{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].UnitPrice.toFixed(2)}} ({{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].UnitOfMeasure}})
Potential Savings: ${{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].PotentialSavings.toFixed(2)}}
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${{CompareAndSaveProduct[1].UnitPrice.toFixed(2)}} ({{CompareAndSaveProduct[1].UnitOfMeasure}})
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