ClotIt All-Natural, White, Blood-stopping Powder, Sterile, Long Cap

ClotIt All-Natural, White, Blood-stopping Powder, Sterile, Long Cap
Supplied By: Protege Biomedical (VINV-V141-0507)
Unit of
Measure 0.33oz
Type Bottle
Qty 36
ClotIt™ Powder Non-staining, white, all-natural clotting powder stops bleeding on all animals. Intended for use on minor to severe external wounds, including skin tears, lacerations, grazes, cuts, sores, other skin integrity issues, injections, intravenous treatments, blood draws, dental procedures, tail docking, nail trimming, cutaneous ulcer and femoral arteries. Upon
contact with blood, facilitates and accelerates bodys natural coagulation cascade, while simultaneously slowing blood flow, by constricting local vessels and capillaries. Fine granules create iconic attraction between blood
cells resulting in clumping together of cells and rapidly absorb plasma at wound site, leaving behind platelets and blood cells, to aid in forming a solid clot. Multi-action process results in complete clotting in seconds.
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Potential Savings: ${{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].PotentialSavings.toFixed(2)}}
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